Making people feel special, one baked good at a time!
Hi, I'm Shannon and for as long as I can remember, I have loved baking. I was taught to bake, as a child, by my next-door neighbour. Her name was Florence. She always seemed to be doing something creative, be it sewing or baking and I visited her almost daily. I never knocked, I just strolled through the door and sat with her, wherever she was in the house. Florence never made me feel unwelcome, she would always greet me with a smile on her face and was genuinely happy to see me. I would sit at her kitchen table when she baked and watch in awe. She would bake cakes, biscuits, tarts and fudge, all of the best fudges - russian fudge, chocolate fudge and coconut ice. She would make her own fruit mince for Christmas tarts, complete with suet, ground in her bench top food mincer - you know the ones that were clamped to the side of the bench or kitchen table. The whole process fascinated me. I got to help, sometimes I got to stir the fudge, sift the flour or grind the fruit mince. Florence didn't have any fancy appliances, just a wooden spoon and elbow grease. I remember one of the first times I actually got to make something by myself, it was a banana cake with passionfruit icing. It was baked in an old tin can. I can still remember the way it tasted and how proud I was that I had made it myself and how proud she was of me. In my eyes that cake was perfect and will forever be perfect.
For me, baking and learning to bake made me feel loved, accepted and special, and this, is how baking became my passion.
When I bake, I am genuinely in my happy place. It has been my dream for more than half of my life to bake for a living and to be able to be a part of making other people feel loved, appreciated, supported, special and seen.
At Little Beach Kitchen everything is made from the highest quality ingredients. Handmade with love from my registered home kitchen in Waikanae.
So this is Little Beach Kitchen - welcome to my passion project.
Thanks for being here and joining me on this ride.
Shannon xx